Mircea-Sebastian Serbanescu

Mircea-Sebastian Serbanescu

Assoc. Prof. Phd. MD.

Mircea-Sebastian Serbanescu

Postdoc Researcher

Mircea-Sebastian Șerbănescu is an Associate Professor in Medical Informatics & Biostatistics at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania.
He has two PhD s, one in Computer Science from the University of Pitești, Romania and one in Medicine from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania. His medical formation is in pathology.
Full time researcher, passionate programmer, he always encourages the digitalization of medicine. He is member in multiple health and research societies, and Chair of the communication Committee of the European Society of Digital and Integrative pathology.
His research expertise and interest includes signal and image processing, data mining, and artificial intelligence.
He is an adept of template thinking and his informatics solutions are reliable and always delivered on time.
