Smaranda Belciug

Smaranda Belciug

Assoc. Prof. PhD.

Smaranda Belciug

Principal Investigator

Smaranda Belciug is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Craiova, Romania, Senior Editorial Board Member for BMC Medical Informatics and Decision making, Springer-Nature, Data Scientist at the Molecular Tumor Board – Multidisciplinary Commission for Personalized Therapeutic Indication based on a Comprehensive Molecular (Genetic) Assessment, and an expert for the European Commission Horizon Europe. She has obtained her PhD in Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare from the University of Pitesti, Romania. Her research interests include Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare system and Statistics. She is the author of the three monographs “Artificial Intelligence in Cancer: diagnostic to tailored treatment”, Elsevier, “Pregnancy with Artificial Intelligence. A 9,5 months journey from preconception to birth”, and “Intelligent Decision Support Systems – a journey to smarter healthcare”, Springer Nature. She is an enthusiastic partisan of the multidisciplinary approach in scientific studies, and all her research is driven by this reason. This has been recognized at multiple levels, from the wide variety of nature of the journals she has published into to the variety of journal and conferences that she reviews for.